Asked Questions

Q. What is “Holistic Live Younger”?
A. The best way to describe “Holistic Live Younger” is “One-Stop-Shop Wellness Solution”

Q. What is Wellness?
A. One way to define Wellness is “Optimum Total Health”. The health of Mind, Body, and Soul.

Q. What is Holistic Live Younger business concept?
A. Restore Youth on Cellular Level

Q. Can Age be Reversed?
A. According to Old & Traditional medicine, at least 3 Nobel Prizes in Modern Medicine, and numerous top Medical Authority Research: ABSOLUTELY!!!!

Q. Why “Cellular Level”?
A. Because most cells are renewed every 3-4 months. By “Holistic Live Younger”, you very much have a chance of restoring cellular health to prime every cellular life cycle, but only as a “Way of Life”

Q. What are “Holistic Live Younger” solutions?
A. Our apps offer our own “exclusively patentable” creative cutting-edge technologies to promote Mental Health. Our nutritional line offers our unique “exclusively patentable” nutritional formulas for primal Cellular Health. And our books by world renowned “Youth Restoration Guru”; Nidal Sakr, create crystal clear Mindfulness that is necessary for effective results.

Q. Are “Holistic Live Younger” revolutionary findings verifiable? By what?
A. Absolutely!!!!
Not only “Holistic Live Younger” is proven by The World’s Top Medical Authorities, and by numerous historical citations and documentations, but also by the living example of The World’s “Longest Living, Healthiest, and Happiest” people on earth, first discovered 100+ years ago and still holding true till today.